In Step 5 you learned about Daily Caredio.
Daily Caredio helps you by giving you
a structure which will help you be consistent.
At the same time you may have some doubt.
Maybe a little voice saying
'but what if I'm not consistent
' What if I don't stick with it'
If you thinking that you're not alone.
Generally most people aren't so good at being consistent.
Especially when it comes to taking care of themselves.
Don't worry. NSR is built for results.
So, to make sure you are consistent, built
into the NSR system is something crucial to your sucess
To be consistent it helps to have accountability.
To help you be accountable with your Reps
several times/day you will do a Rep Report.
Rep Reports are similar
to the online reporting you've already been doing.
Just with more questions.
These extra questions will help make sure
you are doing the exercises properly and thoroughly.
Right now I will give some instructions
on how to start doing your Rep Reports.
I know filling out these reports isn't fun.
But it ensures you do this process the way it was designed.
And if you do your part, the process will do its part.
Which is to help you feel better.
Happy Reporting.
With Loving Accountability,

While the NSR process is highly effective
it is...non linear.
Meaning there will be ups and downs.
You are rebuilding a relationship.
A relationship with yourself and with Little Me.
And when repairing relationships there are usually ups and downs.
Also as you begin to connect with yourself more
a lot of old energy that's been stuffed down,
may start to come up.
It's not fun, and quite uncomfortable.
But that doesn't mean the process isn't working.
In fact it means it's working really well.
So, be prepared.
Some days you may feel better.
Some days you may feel worse.
But like a stock market chart
you don't want to react to the ups and downs
but follow the overall trend of improvement over time.
It took time to neglect your nervous system.
And it will take time to bring it back to health.
If you have already began to feel a bit better
that is great news.
It means the process is working and
you just need to keep showing up
and trusting and following the process.
If you are not feeling better yet, I know it's a bit disappointing
but it's totally okay.
This process can take a while to 'kick in'
It can take a while for Little You to start to trust you.
But keep showing up consistently
and eventually Little You will begin to trust you and calm down.
If you are feeling stuck or have doubt
make sure to lean on the Acupuncture Points.
They are there to support you.
This process is incredibly effective but it requires faith.
Faith that what you are doing is the right thing to do.
And that it will pay off over time.
Which it will.
But faith takes courage.
So, if things aren't going the way you want, I totally get it.
It can be scary and disappointing.
But do your best to keep showing up.
Keep showing up consistently
with faith, courage and intention
and overtime you will be rewarded.
Keep doing Acknowledge The Neglect
Keep using Module 1 Deep Core Work In
From now on you will stop going
to the page for First Days Reports.
And you will now start going to
the page for Rep Reports.
Since you will be accessing
the page for Rep Reports 5 times/day
it's best to save the link to
You can also access the button that looks like this
at the Module 1 Resource Center
Module 1 can be intense and overwhelming
because in a short period of time you learned:
a) Your anxiety is a symptom of neglect
b) You can heal your anxiety with care
c) You need to build trust with Little You
d) To build trust you need to first apologize / say 'I'm sorry'
e) To connect to your feelings instead of avoiding them
But also ...
you learned a whole new inner system including:
a) Acknowledge The Neglect
b) Deep Core Work Ins
c) Acupuncture Points
d) Daily Caredio
e) Rep Reports
So, because of all this new information
there is a steep learning curve in Module 1.
However Modules 2,3 and 4
are all based on the exact same
structure, philosophy and layout
as Module 1.
So, moving forward
there is way less new things to take in.
Still a lot to learn.
But it will be much simpler for you.
In the meantime do your best
to not get overwhelmed.
There is no need to get things
right away or do things perfectly.
The process is very thorough and based on repetition.
So, even if you don't get things right away
it's okay because there is always another Rep to try again.
Try to take it slow and easy.
There is no rush.
Pushing doesn't help
And as always
Intention...not perfection.

Here again is Daily Caredio
from Step 5.
To report your reps for Daily Caredio
you will go to the Rep Report page.
On the Rep Report page
you will find links that look like this.
As was stated above
stop using First Days Reports
and switch to Rep Reports.
So there you go.
Between Daily Caredio and Rep Reports
you have now the structure and accountability to
train daily to bring your nervous system back to health.
And I hope you are getting the hang of things
of how this process is structured and laid out.
I know it's still a lot to take in,
but it's okay no need to do things perfectly.
Remember, intention not perfection.
Just set your intention to show up daily
to care for yourself and Little You better
and with some consistency and courage and faith
I know you will start to see things get better.
With courage and faith,

As you have seen Module 1
can be quite confronting.
Seeing that you have neglected yourself
and Little You for so long is a lot to take in.
And then having to connect to the pain
you've participated in and saying sorry for it
packs a real wallop to say the least.
Also let's be honest
having to connect to your own pain
and saying sorry multiple times per day
is kind of a downer.
It was necessary...but in Module 2
we are going to shift the tone.
Module 1 is about apologizing
for not taking care of yourself in the past.
And Module 2 is about learning how
to take care of yourself moving forward.
In Module 2 you'll begin learning
a beautiful set of simple tools
that will allow you to take
good care of yourself every day.
Which let's be honest sounds way better
than saying sorry all day long.
I am telling you this because
if things are too confronting for too long
it can potentially lower
your commitment and attitude.
So, to keep moral high
and ensure you complete this process
I want you to know Module 2
is not as confronting as Module 1.
And then Module 3
is more enjoyable than Module 2.
And Module 4
is designed to even be fun.
I get have fun!!!
Remember 'fun'?!!!
So hang in there.
I know this isn't easy.
But your courage and commitment
will be rewarded.
Stop using First Days Report
Start using Module 1 Rep Report
NSR's highly structured timeline and reporting system
helps you stay consistent and accountable and get results.
At the same time some people
find the timeline and reporting structure
something they don't like and/or
something that creates unwanted stress and pressure.
If this is you, then you can decide to
waive the protection of the 'No Change No Charge' guarantee
and just agree to pay for the program at the end.
Then you can do the program however you like including:
a) Taking more than 10 days per Module
b) Doing as many or as few Reps as you wants
c) Reporting as often or as little as you want.
If at any point you'd like to do the program in your own way
contact us at and tell us:
This of course is quite visually similar to what
you've already been doing with your 'First Days Reports.'
You will do Rep Reports more or less
the same as you've been doing for 'First Days Reports'
The only difference is there are
just specific modifications to match Daily Caredio.
Also the questions you answer are more detailed.
You will do Daily Caredio and Rep Reports
for the rest of the program.
Yesterday, in Daily Caredio Instructions
it was explained that ideally you don't want
to let anxious feeling go unchecked
for more than 5-10 minutes.
This recording will help you with that.